# of watchers: 65
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Artistic: | 70 |
Funny-rating: | 60 |
Friendly: | 70 |
2005-02-08 [Orestez]: I posted the link on the main page for you Crow
2005-02-09 [The Dark Lord]: Yay new image!
2005-02-09 [iCh3wi]: OOOOOO< thnx thnx thnx thnx thnx again again again and again!! Ill get "crackin on it right away" lol crackin lol
2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: Hey guys I just finished my wiki, please go and see and tell me what yall think. Thnx for everyones help!! +^_^+
2005-02-10 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i want to be hired!
2005-02-10 [UncleBuzzie]: i want to be fired :D
2005-02-10 [Orestez]: you can't quit, we own you now, lol
2005-02-10 [De'ladrei]: lol no [UncleBuzzie] you are mine now. cant leave :p *evil laugh*
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: hey look she's distracter *runs away* MUHAHAHAHA
2005-02-10 [De'ladrei]: lol XP
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: note how she didn't try to stop me, it's cause i do nothing lol. GO REVIEWS!!!
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: do i not have anyone writting for me yet? i don't have time to do it.
2005-02-10 [Orestez]: I would say ask [Ellyn]...but methinks she has enough on her plate allready, lol
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: well i'm cept busy with school homework and all the stuff i do here.
2005-02-10 [De'ladrei]: lol you dont work for me hun :p hence why i dont mind lol. hmm *wonders who she could find to write anything*
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: oh ruin everything will you!!! lol
2005-02-10 [De'ladrei]: *grins* maybe lol
2005-02-10 [Solitiaum]: mmmm... cookies...
2005-02-10 [Ellyn]: Thanks for the concern [Orestez]! ^_^ *hugs* But really, [Big Brother], I would be glad to help you out, if you want!
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: then help lol. i am way too busy elsewhere
2005-02-10 [Ellyn]: Do you have anything in particular in mind?
2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: i dunno,...revie
2005-02-10 [Ellyn]: Heehee, well I'm up for any odd jobs. Need help on anything particular, just ask. I'm here! o_0
2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: i'll keep that in mind, i get pretty busy sometimes helping with the pets and running the trivia
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Ah, I would assume as much, seeing as both are in such high demand!
2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: pets yes, for the trivia i make them wait lol.
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Heehee! That's the way to do it! Teach 'um patience!
2005-02-11 [iCh3wi]: Im hiring also Sumi, its a kind of part time/whenever you want to work kind of job. Mainly all it is is that I need someone to make graphic banners for EP Independent- Quotes
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Hey, graphic banners I can do! I don't have anything as snazy or complicated as photoshop, but I have gimp 2! Heehee. Oddjobs-whatev
2005-02-11 [iCh3wi]: Okay then your my official part time dude. Right now the only thing I need done is to have a banner created that says :EP Independent- Quotes" or something else along those lines. Thanks for your help.
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Yeah, no problem! Have any colour, etc. in mind? I'll have it done tonight, but it may be a while because my sister decided to wait 'til last minute to write her quantum physics... Well in any case, you'll have it! Yay! I'm a part-time-dude
2005-02-11 [iCh3wi]: Umm, i reallly like purple black and green, but whatever is fine, thnx
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Okay, I'm sorry I lied, my sister took forever with her paper, so I won't have time to finish tonight, but it'll be done this weekend! Eh, sorry! Anyway, Purple, black, and green it is!
2005-02-11 [De'ladrei]: *goes off to bake some cookies as the above post made her hungry*
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Heh, I think I'll jion you, De! Co-ookies! URM!
2005-02-11 [De'ladrei]: :D
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Yummyumm! And we shall have them ALL because our germs will infect them and no one else shall want them! BWAHAHAHAHA!!
2005-02-11 [De'ladrei]: lol true :)
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: Heehee!
2005-02-11 [De'ladrei]: ahhh! *hides from the giant cookie dough*
2005-02-11 [Ellyn]: cookie dough is even BETTER than coookies though! Well, except the salmanila part. Heehee!
2005-02-11 [Sunrose]: I agree! I love the dough!
2005-02-12 [Ellyn]: MMM!!! Cookie-dougghh
2005-02-12 [UncleBuzzie]: *stops watching the page cause HUGE caps are too annoying*
2005-02-12 [De'ladrei]: page really shouldnt be filled with all the randomness anyway. i know i play apart in it but that just plain irritating
2005-02-12 [The Dark Lord]: Sorry to spoil the fun but please do NOT clog up the comments box with useless chatter
2005-02-12 [Ellyn]: Ah, very sorry, very sorry!
2005-02-13 [iCh3wi]: oooops, im sorry about the hugeness, I wont do it again. sorry :(
2005-02-22 [UncleBuzzie]: awww my name is incorrectly labeled *evil laugh* sorry [Orestez] i should have told you i was thinking about changing it from Link
2005-02-22 [Solitiaum]: OMG that poor boy, lol... Constantly updating...
2005-02-22 [De'ladrei]: lol yea he already knows ;) he will prob fix it when he gets home from his leave from Iraq. ahh the evil laugh is back!! :p
2005-02-22 [Solitiaum]: lol... have him check the wannabes page 2 i hired someone there...
2005-02-22 [1st Font]: Writers and Writing have only one T. You need to fix one of your wiki links
2005-02-25 [Drizzt]: I am a nica man with happy feelings all of the time
2005-03-11 [Ellyn]: Hm. Is it nice to have happy feelings all of the time?
2005-03-11 [De'ladrei]: i dunno but im certainly happy just now!
2005-03-12 [Ellyn]: Good, I'm glad! *sigh* For a while there I was getting marriage requests every which way, and now no onw is asking! *tear*
2005-03-12 [De'ladrei]: lol awww poor Sumi!
2005-03-12 [Ellyn]: WAHHH! Ah, well, I suppose I will survive. It gives me a break in schedule, at least. ^_^
2005-03-13 [~princess me~]: cs 4 ka
2005-03-18 [Morgoth]: can I write a page about "values" every week? such as friendship, citizenship, responsibility
2005-03-18 [De'ladrei]: uhm i think you would have to take that up with the editors. or ask the person in charge of articles
2005-03-18 [Morgoth]: they should see my comment eventually...
2005-03-18 [De'ladrei]: or maybe if you take a more active attempt they would be more impressed rather than somone who expects people to pick up on things "eventually" ;)
2005-03-18 [Morgoth]: they will "eventually" whether I take a "more active" attempt or not... just as soon as someone gets online...
2005-03-18 [Ellyn]: It would be more impressionable if you would actually make an attempt. But then again, you are the one who wants the page, so if you don't talk to the editors, your loss, right?
2005-03-18 [De'ladrei]: *shrugs* only trying to help
2005-03-18 [Ellyn]: ^_^ I think your very helpful, Dela! You have certainly helped me a LOT. Heh. *hugses*
2005-03-18 [Morgoth]: I am talking to the editors by means of commenting on here... I don't care If I don't get to... I just want to help...
2005-03-18 [Morgoth]: I'm sorry for wanting to help...
2005-03-19 [Ellyn]: Don't be sorry, I'm just saying, it would be more effective if you went to them instead of waiting for them to come to you.
2005-03-19 [Solitiaum]: *editor in the house* whats all this then? *reads* message me with more information on your vision for this section, squeeky.
2005-03-19 [De'ladrei]: Squeeky dont give me cheek. i am only trying to give some useful and helpful advice, there is no need to react with "sarcasm" and coments like the above. *hugs Sumi* thank you sweety
2005-03-21 [Tear]: Okay, so why is my na no longer up there? And Neither is apocalypse7's. What happened?
2005-03-21 [Solitiaum]: Your name was moved to Harbringers because you got hired, both of you.
2005-03-21 [Ellyn]: You are very welcome Dela. Shame on cheek. *hugs back* Oh, By the way, Sair, we haven't gotten any complaints on my new Application format, have we? I can fix it if there is a problem.
2005-03-21 [Solitiaum]: Nope, just praise, and thanks again ^_^
2005-03-21 [Ellyn]: Yay! And no problem. O_o
2005-03-21 [De'ladrei]: hehe thats why you gotta gold star sumi, for being a little star :)
2005-03-21 [Ellyn]: Yay! I'm a gold star now! *tears of joy*
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: Hey guys, I need help. Does anyone have any ideas for a quote I could use for the month of April?? Im totally lost for ideas, I need help please!!!!!! :(
2005-03-22 [Solitiaum]: April showers bring may flowes?? XD ... google "quotes"
2005-03-22 [Tear]: Does it have to go along with any theme?
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: Ummmm, not necesarily, but something humorous wouldnt be bad. I like your quote Sairahiniel, but it just doesnt fit what I'm looking for, thnaks anyways though for helping :)
2005-03-22 [Tear]: It is so corny though.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: How about this "Capitalizatio
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: But would that be appropriate??
2005-03-22 [Solitiaum]: Uhm, no. Just google the word quotes.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: I don't know, but it was funny.
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: It was funny, but I'll try Sairahiniel's idea, thanks anyways
2005-03-22 [Tear]: Does it have to be serious, or can it be appropriately funny?
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: Yeah thats fine, but it can be something that will get me in trouble either.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: I wouldn't do that... heh heh heh, I will look for something. Can it be a funny chinese proverb? Like man who stand on toilet is high on pot?
2005-03-22 [Solitiaum]: Yes! Heheh...
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: OF COURSE!!!!! lmao!!!!!!! I love it lololololololo
2005-03-22 [Tear]: How about, Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone
2005-03-22 [Solitiaum]: lololololol!!
2005-03-22 [Tear]: Man who run in front of car get tired. man who run behind car get exhausted. Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day. Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: I like that one bettere than the otheres lololololololo
2005-03-22 [Tear]: That is 4 different ones. I have some more. Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok. Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails. Man who eat many prunes get good run for money. Baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: Are these helping you any?
2005-03-22 [Ellyn]: How about "A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way." Something less sexual...
2005-03-22 [Tear]: I have no clue what that means, but it sounds cool what does it mean?
2005-03-22 [Ellyn]: Haha! It took me a second to figure it out too. Perty much means rumors will spread by any means, or at least that's what I got from it.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: oh oh oh, i gotcha
2005-03-22 [Ellyn]: Just a suggestion. Maybe something a little more appropriate to mesh with the others, though I can't tell you I didn't smile at the "Bangkok" proverb. :)
2005-03-22 [Tear]: hee hee hee.Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.
2005-03-22 [Ellyn]: Haha. I like that one. It's all snazzy.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: Here is a few more :Crowded elevator smell different to midget. Man who fart in church sit in own pew. Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.
2005-03-22 [Ellyn]: Haha! The crab one is good. Heh, anyway, it's nightnight time for meh. I'll be back in a few days.
2005-03-22 [Tear]: G'night then.
2005-03-22 [Solitiaum]: Man who stick foot in mouth gt athletes tongue.
2005-03-22 [UncleBuzzie]: i want a buff tongue
2005-03-22 [De'ladrei]: O_o (wtf)
2005-03-22 [De'ladrei]: im away...a few hours...and again im completely lost as to where this conversation is going lol
2005-03-22 [iCh3wi]: lololol
2005-03-23 [Nevermore.]: k, will i do another " EP Independent- "my situation".."?
2005-03-23 [De'ladrei]: uhhm k send it to somone...not me though lol i dont do that stuff ;)
2005-03-23 [Nevermore.]: i will putit up...its ok, forget my last comment...just got a msg^^
2005-03-23 [De'ladrei]: lol ok then
2005-04-04 [Solitiaum]: Wheeeeeee new features!
2005-04-04 [Tear]: I noticed that the site changed, but I am not sure what we members are still cpapable of doing.
2005-04-04 [Solitiaum]: Huh??
2005-04-04 [Tear]: "Wheeeeeee new features!" Explain these "new features"
2005-04-04 [Solitiaum]: Horoscopes up and coming as we go, and Tutorials...
2005-04-04 [Tear]: So what is up with the log in page of Ep having a new text field and the buttons being green? Someone just decided to change stuff?
2005-04-04 [Solitiaum]: [Hedda] makes all those changes. There was a fluke earlier that brought in the colour scheme from another Linkoping U site, but Henrik decided to go with this grey and pink and green thing... o_o
2005-04-04 [MarieFair]: i kinda like the grey, pink, and green....^^...
2005-04-04 [Tear]: What do you mean the bright colors before? They were darker before, I don't like the green bright pink, and all that crap. It is too bright and gayish.
2005-04-04 [MarieFair]: they were a bright blue-ish before.
2005-04-05 [iCh3wi]: Hello everybody, I'm sort of in a struggle right now. I'm going to the hospital right now, I have an infection in my face and it's swelling up. I havent been able to put up a new quote yet. Would it be ok if I held off on posting a new quote for a few days, just until I get to feeling better?
2005-04-05 [Solitiaum]: Ill get one up and invite comments as to what it might mean. Kay?
2005-04-05 [Solitiaum]: ITS THE FIFTH OF APRIL. UPDATES ARE DUE TODAY!!! Whosoever does not update their page shall verily be FIRED. Get to it!
2005-04-05 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I'm home now. The doctor said I have an infection in my face, so they gave me 800 milligrams of Vicaden. I have to rest for at least 3 days they said, so I'll go ahead and post the quote you gave me [Solitiaum], and I will post a new quote in a few days. Does that make me a worker for the EP still??
2005-04-05 [De'ladrei]: id say so yes. illness is a good reason to be "off work" lol
2005-04-05 [iCh3wi]: Thats what I was thinking, but I just wanted to be safe and make sure first. =^_^=
2005-04-05 [De'ladrei]: well im sure you will be ok
2005-04-05 [Solitiaum]: Yes, you gave notice, so you were exempt from that warning up there *points up and smiles* But please do get those ads off that page. They need to go on the ads page.
2005-04-05 [iCh3wi]: I removed them, I thought it was ok to have them, but they weren't, so I deleted them. Thanks!! =^_^=
2005-04-05 [Solitiaum]: Thankee much! ^_^
2005-04-05 [iCh3wi]: Your welcome!! Theres one other thing though. I don't mean to be a pain, but on the banner, my name is on there wrong. It says [iCh3wi], my name is [iCh3wi]. I just noticed that it said that.
2005-04-05 [Tear]: Sairahiniel, you told me to screw over this issue didn't you? Because I am still looking for staff for my review crew. I only have like 2 people. If need be, I will put up one or two tomorrow when I am at school, because that is where I have all my reviews. Sorry for any inconvenience
2005-04-06 [Solitiaum]: I said screw March. This is April. Get one of your stock ones up there for now, kay?
2005-04-06 [Tear]: I put one of them up for gaming.
2005-04-07 [Solitiaum]: [Evocobra], [zanders], [Nevermore.], [Firenze]!! Youre fired!
2005-04-07 [Evocobra]: sweet
2005-04-07 [Solitiaum]: *baps* thats not a good thing, hun...
2005-04-07 [iCh3wi]: Ummm, its probably none of my business, but why did they get fired?
2005-04-07 [Solitiaum]: They did not update their wiki pages in forever and a day.
2005-04-07 [Nevermore.]: omg! i was just on to update it! jeeze!
2005-04-07 [iCh3wi]: I'm changing mine right now, so please dont fire me!!! Thanks again for helping me with the quote while I was sick also. =^_^=
2005-04-07 [iCh3wi]: YAY!!!!! I updated my article now. Haleelujah
2005-04-07 [Tear]: I have been structuring mine. I am going to have a bunch of different wiki's for these thingies.
2005-04-08 [iCh3wi]: That should be cool. What section do you work for?
2005-04-08 [Ellyn]: Woot! I have an easy job-I just kind of update as people ask to get married- It really works for me, and it be fun!
2005-04-08 [Tear]: I am the Reviews boss, and I work for the lonely hearts as well as the poetry section. I take care of the new forums, that no one uses, and I am a random asian guy. heh heh heh. "it be fun"???
2005-04-08 [iCh3wi]: of course. I enjoy my quotes section. BUt on my spare time I work on peoples house for them and make art for them. Its free lance, but fun!!!
2005-04-08 [Nevermore.]: ok, is there anyway i can be re-hired?, i was about 2 put it up when u said i was fired!
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: uhm..possibly post an application..o
2005-04-08 [Whim]: You could try going over her head and asking The Dark Lord about it.
2005-04-08 [Tear]: Either that or you could ask one of us really really nicely to talk to them for you about it. Kate just wanted people to know that she wasn't kidding when she said you will be fired if you do not make deadline.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: Yeah, but in the defense of those fired, when was the first time she said that you'd be fired for being late? Cause if the first time was on the 4th or the 5th, then I personally think that's a bit harsh. Now had she explained this two weeks ago, I could see how it might be reasonable to fire someone for being late.
2005-04-08 [Tear]: I know what you are talking about, but that was her choice, and as she is co-editor, she can do that.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: But it's hardly fair. I'd like to hear what the editor says about this. I'm a huge fan of the EP Indie and I can't imagine anyone taking the places of [Evocobra], [zanders], [Nevermore.], and [Firenze]. These are some masterful artisans right here. Firing them is so harsh. They deserve a second chance, especially since they weren't aware that they'd be fired until the day before or the day of the deadline.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: This month was very unoragniased, no one was actually given a time to have everything up by I dont think...the EPI is still having a few teething problems it is safe o say. Hopefully thinkgs like this will be back on track for the May edition. I am sure there would be some way of an appeal...
2005-04-08 [Whim]: Yeah, I mean, I like the idea of being fired if you don't meet deadlines, but people should have this knowledge ahead of time, you know? The possibility of being fired is a good motivator, but it's just cruel when the firing aspect is added less than a day before the deadline.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: *nods* does anyone know if these people still have the work they were meant to do for this month and whether or not it has been posted yet? Maybe if we got it up it would help somewhat. I really dont want to seem like im stepping on toes or anything, but I didnt realise we'd lost so many people over this...there should atleast been a short time of "redemption" for them to get the work in...and I'm going to see about getting things a bit more organised for next months with the announcements of deadlines and so on as its obvious the method we have already is not working.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: Seems to me like you'd want two people in each department. That way at least one of them can say a few words on the other's behalf since it's quite possible that some of these people may be innactive at the moment. Also, out of like 3 or 4 editors, at least one of the editors should be keeping a close eye on the progress of each department. This could even be split amongst the editors. Finally, if someone isn't doing the work and they've been given proper warning, fire them and replace them. If done correctly, I guarentee that the EP Indie will run much more smoothly. I know this because I work for a real newspaper...he
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: Hmm well Im an "assistant assistant editor"...what
2005-04-08 [Whim]: hehe...indeed. But yeah, so basically my biggest recommendation would be to have an editor assigned to every section with no less than two harbringers under the editors in each section. So, effectively, there would be three people in charge of each section at any given time. It may imply that a bigger staff is needed, but what do you care? It's not like you're paying them...lol.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: lol that is a very good point. a few promotions may be in order somewhere then...and then hiring in people that we can "train". but back to the notifications thing...does Elfpack have the same system messages such as Elftown... like "Its such and suches b-day today you havnt forgotten have you?" we could possibly rig somehting like that to be sent to all harbringers when a deadline is approaching. or we could hire more admin people to do it lol
2005-04-08 [Whim]: What we're doing in Toggery is we have this account called [Tog]. All the members of toggery are sent a message which they must reply to so that a relation request can be sent. Once a member is added to the house's relation list, we can just make a diary post that is sent out to everyone on [Tog]'s relation list. Now, once you did this, you would have to send at least three messages. One at the beginning of the month, one around the middle of the month, and one about a week before the deadline.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: *thinks* now why did no one here on the EPI think of that...I think that may just work...its that or I go and harass people for their IM adresses and keep track of them that way lol *resists the stlaker instinct thats been in her since she got the badge* no i think an account would be a good idea although we'd need to make sure everyone read the posts.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: Well, the beauty of it is that if you set the diary entry so that all your friends see it, they'll get a message with the diary entry in it. It's quite the nifty feature...hehe
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: ....gee thanks :p ill just have to dumb the comics down even more now to confom to that ;)
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: well its not like i can make them "smarter" is it. people would stop reading them *shudders*
2005-04-08 [Whim]: hehe...I'm only teasing. I think no one really thought of it because they never had a dire need for it and it's such a simple idea that it's easy to overlook. When we thought of it, we REALLY needed it...hehe. We have way too many members to keep them informed properly, so every time we register a player, we add them to the relation list of [Tog].
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: suuure you are ;) . well it looks like we are in dire need of it by the looks o it. cant be loosing any more good workers the way we are doing.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: hehe...indeed. I do have a proposition for the EP Indie to consider. It would greatly improve worker morale--if all the editors agree to it, that is. Basically, I'd like to give the EP Indie a set amount of togs each month. As you probably know, togs are the currency of toggery. With these togs, the editors would decide how to distribute them amongst the harbringers each month and perhaps even use the togs for EPI promotions.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: interesting...
2005-04-08 [Whim]: oh, I know...hehe. I'm just throwing it out there so it's known that the offer is there.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: and then if they dont agree but the workers like it we will have a small mutiny on our hands. my word Whim I think that is your plan, its a conspiracy to take over the EPI :P !! hehe ok im going to stop drinking the coffee now @_@
2005-04-08 [Whim]: hehehe...well, that wasn't my intention, but come to think of it, you might be right...lol. Anyways, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. It wouldn't change anything about the EPI. It would just give the workers extra incentive to meet deadlines plus it would help me circulate togs.
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: *nods* true true. well i like the idea, it has my backing. if any of the others happen to log on lol
2005-04-08 [Whim]: They'll show up eventually...h
2005-04-08 [De'ladrei]: key word to that sentence "eventually" ;D. right well im off for the night and i probably wont be on 2mo till later. im getting the half past 8 train in the morning to Edinburgh *the things i do for art* see you around Whim, and thanks for all the help so far and the offer
2005-04-08 [iCh3wi]: Hmmmm, I do agree with [Whim] on this issue. It was a little harsh. Maybe they could have gotten a warning saying that if they were late for their deadline again, then they would be fired. But, it's not up to me to make big decisions, its up to the dark lord. I'm just another lonely speck of dust. :)
2005-04-08 [The Dark Lord]: It wasnt my decision to fire them! As i was away sair was in charge, it was up to her....i support her decisions! Although if any of the fired staff wish to explain and give a DECENT reason i might consider letting them back onto the team!
2005-04-08 [iCh3wi]: oooooooo, never mind then.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: When was the first time the staff was threatened? If I'm correct, they weren't warned about being fired until April 4th, which means they had less than 48 hours to pull their stuff together. In the past, the EP Indie has been rough around the edges, especially when it comes to deadlines. So it wouldn't surprise me if a few thought they have until the weekend to get updated.
2005-04-08 [Whim]: On a lighter note, we at Toggery are offering a large sum of togs to the EP Indie editors to use as they feel best. The recommend use was to pay harbringers and use togs to encourage contest participation and other EPI promotions.
2005-04-08 [The Dark Lord]: Excellent, if you could message me whim about this....i have a few ideas!
2005-04-09 [Tear]: This could be fun. Umm guys and gals, I won't be able to get online this weekend, as I am on lockdown for cutting class and working on the EPI. Funny how that works out. But yeah, I won't be online working again until monday when I am back at school. Sorry for any inconvenience. Whim, send me a message, I want to talk to you, because I think you put up an application in the wannabees page, and I am looking for workers in my reviews net.
2005-04-09 [Whim]: Hmm...nope, I don't believe I did put up an application. You must be thinking of someone else...lol.
2005-04-09 [Tear]: Maybe, but are you interested anyway?
2005-04-09 [Whim]: What exactly are you asking me to review?
2005-04-09 [Tear]: Anything and everything. I need more people to join my reviews crew. If you are interested in writing out reviews, just go ahead, tell me the subject, and I will make a spot for it, if you join my crew. I have two excellent writers on it right now, and 1 I haven't recieved a review from, and one person whose review I haven't had time to read yet
Number of comments: 4414
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